The Native Trail

Dakota Indian Foundation

dif logo

If you’re interested to researching the history, the life and the pride of the Lakota people, the Dakota Indian Foundation has a facility second to none that allows insights into the Native culture of South Dakota.

P1030850There is a Dakota Plains Gallery and Gift Shop with an exceptional range of native paintings celebrating the Lakota lifestyle. You can also find native craft work, music and literature.

The folks at the Dakota Indian Foundation are very friendly and welcoming to visitors. If you have an hour to spare in Chamberlain why not pay a visit to DIF and explore some of the hidden gems in Chamberlain.

The Dakota Indian Foundation is located on North Main Street. There is plenty of car parking available.

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Going Native?
If you would like to experience authentic Sioux life, the Dakota Indian Foundation is now offering tours to taste true Indian life.
For more information contact John at the Dakota Indian Foundation or click on the image below:

DIF Tours



 Some exhibits from the Dakota Plains Gallery:



couple at sunset



Tipi at sunset

The Quilt Shop

Quilt shop sign The second stop on your Native Trail should be the Quilt Shop. You will find an amazing choice of products manufactured locally and celebrating Sioux Culture. If you want to buy some souvenirs  from Chamberlain you will have the choice between thousands of artistic expressions. The staff at the Quilt shop welcome browsers and would want you to spent some time admiring and possibly even buying some native art they have on display.

Chamberlains only Dinosaurs are located just outside the Quilt P1030874Shop. Get your children excited to meet Chamberlains Jurassic park and find the time to buy some presents for friends and family.

Check out our gallery from the inside of the shop:

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